A Year which I cannot forget "2022"

 Many year come and go.. we saw 2020 a year of lock down. And learnt how to be close with home and family.  We successfully lived healthy from 2021..... 

Here I want to share the most wonderful and fruitful year 2022 after so-many years...

Jan 2022... I stated a awareness  campaign called  "CARE FOR PRUDVI" for rejuvenating earth.. as a new year resolution through my Krishnaveni Memorial Charitable Trust. 

Main campaign is for stop the use of plastic bags and single use plastic. 

We done lots of awareness programs in January and at the end of the month GVMC as issued a notice to end the single use plastic in Visakhapatnam. (It was a coincidence )

February 2022...

Sadhguru launched SAVE SOIL MOVEMENT.


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